Sunday, 12 October 2014

it gets better in time.

what was it?
My pain.

few years back, me and my lost mind telling myself true love exists.
I gave him too much I forgot how much it hurts to leave him, and to let him go….
He wasn't the one obviously.
Friends were saying I'm blind. Blinded by LOVE.

LOVE? when I know how to spell it without really knowing the real meaning of it.
Guess what, do anyone know the true meaning of love?
Some people get hurt by LOVE, some just lose hope on it…..

Well some like me, thankfully I learnt a lot from it.

After that crazy stupid love I had, after years of being 'in love' , guess that God decided to let me really face the fact of life, it's not easy and it never was. I lost my first love, too bad I'm not born in the 1950's or so where people that time married their first love. HAHA.

Face it people, it's 2014 now. Some still believe that true love exists?
Well yeah, I do. But not those silly fairy tales imagination that totally doesn't make sense in real life.
Maybe God gave me the greatest gift of all time by leaving him, letting me know that life isn't just about relying on him but to live for ourself and be independent by not relying on anyone else.

Firstly, Thank God.
Secondly, Thanks to my parents.. they let me know that family always come first.
thirdly, my brothers.
lastly, all those who supported me.

Without their care, their kind advises.. I wouldn't be what I am today.
Some say I got stronger. Some say I became more matured. Some told me they're proud of me.
You know what, pain like this takes time to heal.
Can I just say that I'M SO THANKFUL TO MYSELF that I'm healed. TOTALLY.
Thanks to "TIME", it's no doubt the best medicine I could ever had!

Whoever that is going thru their hard time now, remember to always believe that you could go through this and make yourself better in time to come. Just have faith that pain doesn't lasts forever but happiness does. No matter how many falls you faced in life, they all will lead you to something better and WHAT DOES'T KILLS YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER.

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