Saturday, 14 June 2014


Is been a long day, well..not too long till I could just fall asleep and forget to blog for today.

Hi people (: maybe it's kind a unusual to blog in English, but I just want to make a change, hope my English is acceptable for all of you readers. Nothing much special today, but everyday in Melbourne now is like a very precious day to me, not many days left till I say goodbye to this wonderful city. I'm gonna miss everything so much, I could not imagine how would I feel the day when I'm about to leave.

Anyway, had my lunch this afternoon with Jesslyn, she is my neighbour as well as a very good friend indeed in Melbourne. Well, got to know her almost one year plus… we always talk about how we met the first time , and every now and then when we recall back.. it really felt just like yesterday..and we do always mentioned that time really flies.

Excuse me if the topic above weren't that linkable to my topic today, well… let's talk about the real topic for today. I was having lunch in this new mall called "Emporium" , had "pho" ..just in case you don't know, it's a kind of Vietnamese food. So when I was about to take a seat, I saw this father and son.. well they looked like "father and son" kind of relationship to me..but maybe they are not.
That moment was kind a sentimental to me, I thought about dad just so sudden. And may I just shout out right here, that is Happy Father's Day to my one and only hero (like I always said) , MY DAD!

Talking about memories with Dad, seriously? Is A LOT…………..
But if I were to choose the best memory I had with him is always the "coffee talk" session. I love it although he just kind of like lecturing me but DEFINITELY, those topics that he shared were always much more interesting than what my real lecturer did. My dad? who is he? I don't know…I'm not gonna talk about history, his family tree or our family tree but.. He is the one I respect the most and also the one I always thought gave me too much I couldn't really repay him for the rest of my life.

I totally forgot about childhood memories, I am not really sure how much he worked to gave me such a real good life and a totally satisfied life I can say…I have everything, it's truly a bless to be his daughter. He never really say anything bad about me, I sometimes felt I did bad in academic.. but like always.. he just encouraged me saying that I did well.. I tried my best… and wrote a text message (literally like an essay) telling me he is proud of me or's something so simple yet really really important to motivate me in my life.
That's the best part of my dad, he never give me up.. and he is like always there. I remember I had a few times feeling very lost, I don't know who to talk to.. I grabbed my phone and started texting dad..
There was once, I was telling him I was so bored in the library, and he replied:

Hi Dearest! Don't get easily bored. take a break and go for a walk, a drink or take a nap to relieve the boredom of spending long hours there.. I was told that the only place in the world with sheer boredom is being in jail! No way your library is turning out to be the bore-dest! …….

Something like this would really make my day feel better, and that's how my one and only hero saved me by doing these little things. I have so much to talk about my dad, could go on for 3 days but, that pretty much sums up all I want to say about him.


'23' for my 23rd b'day celebration back in Langkawi early this year, (:

Back in Langkawi this year, he caught me taking a selfie with him! 

HAPPY DADDY'S DAY TO ALL DADDIES IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!! And Daddy, here's your favourite from Bee Gees! I love you (: 

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